New Horizons

Christmas 2013While my search for a literary agent has not proved fruitful as of yet, I am still engaged in that pursuit. And, since I’m only through the letter “C” on my list of 1,275 possible agents for the mystery series, I’m not the least bit discouraged. I’m so glad that most engage in email queries and submissions most of which have resulted in an actual response. Not the response I want mind you, but I’ve come to appreciate any response at all. The last agent that I snail-mailed a REQUESTED MANUSCRIPT to after a conference, took 26 months to reply. I figure that’s just too blasted long.

But, I’ve got tons of neat stuff going on!  On-Target Words is doing well, despite the Spring setbacks. I’m engaged in two ghostwriting projects, two on-going content edits, and have branched out into what is called micro-publishing. This month, WC Publishing ( has published two 2013 Christmas books! The first is a lovely hard cover, hand-illustrated children’s story, named SNOWBALL, THE BEAR WHO SAVED CHRISTMAS, by Jerry Gamache and Deborah L. Spiller. Colorful and fun, it was a privilege to edit and publish this beautiful book. The Kindle and Kobo versions are already available for sale. The hard cover will be available from all major outlets including Amazon, B&N,  and Books a Million around the end of the month. You may have to have them order it for you, but they will!

SNOWBIRD CHRISTMAS: Vol. 2 is available in e-book format at Kindle and now, and the paperback will be available before the end of August! We’ve already had some presales which is very exciting indeed! The authors who submitted this year’s stories include authors from last year with great new stories, but even more new writers have come on board and I couldn’t be happier! This can be bought over at the business website, too – and a gift to go with it!

My friend Skye Taylor has signed a 3-book contract for her fabulous romantic series with Bell Books, Inc. and we’re very excited about that! Two of my clients are finalists in the Royal Palm Literary Awards this year, and two others have had their novels published, including an outstanding psychological thriller, named DIVA, by Jeanne Farmer. If you can get this, I highly recommend it.

Co-Author Daria Ludas and I are back to work on our inspirational series, The Amazing Grace Trucking Company. Book one is complete, but we’re working on the third round of edits. And, D’s already got a few chapters of the second book written to get us started on in the fall.  These three old gals are a handful with more emotional baggage than United Airlines and we’re having a blast with the whole thing.

So, until the fall is upon us, I wish you all good things, much happiness and peace, and want to hear what you think about the new Christmas books!!  Don’t be shy – drop me a line, anytime! (



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Award-winning author, short stories and non-fiction. Professional writing for hire - visit