Book 2: OLD FAITHFUL – Coming Fall of 2019!

The Amazing Grace Trucking Series is being written by N. L. Quatrano and D. K. Ludas, two award-winning short-story authors who just love to dabble in the full-length stuff. This southern women’s fiction series currently has 4 books planned, but who knows where the good Lord will lead us as we follow along. They all contain a traditional mystery and some romance, tied together with a big dose of love.
Acquired by Two Stone Lions Press, an imprint of Salt Run Publishing, award-winning Merciful was released in print platform in March of 2018 to a resounding response!
MERCIFUL BLESSINGS (2018): What does one hairdresser, one welder, and one army general know about saving an embattled trucking company? In this series, three sisters, long ago estranged by life’s tough blows, come together at the death of their father, to learn about forgiveness, love and the faithfulness of our heavenly Father. A mystery, a romance, and a strong story of relationships, MERCIFUL BLESSINGS is a book that will stay with you long after the pages are done! You’ll laugh, you’ll bite your nails and you may even shed a few tears, but you’ll never forget the Blessings family or the town of Merciful that their grandparents founded.
The church featured on the cover is an actual photo taken by a Brubaker ancestor in 1909 or so, of the St. Ambrose Catholic Church of Mocassin Branch, in Elkton, Florida. It’s the church I attend every week. And yes, Mocassin Branch, unlike Merciful, is a real place in rural Florida.
It is my honor to write with a woman the Lord put in my life almost 27 years ago – Daria Ludas, writing as D.K. Ludas. She’s like my sister from another mother. She is a full-time realtor, a Jamesburg Councilwoman, a member of Liberty States Fiction Writers and Sisters in Crime of Central Jersey. She’s got a home, a husband, and a daughter to keep up with, too. Whenever I’m in NJ, it’s her house I crash at so I can visit with all of my awesome friends. (See photo below from lunch visit July 2017.) This photo happens to be all of my awesome NJ critique partners – since 2001.

If you’d like to drop us a line, we’d love to hear from you! One of us will even answer, too. You can email us at and I’ll share with Daria, or her email is
Happy reading – and never forget how much freedom and power lies in forgiveness. NLQ