Spring Has Sprung and So Have I

Hi!!  And Happy Spring to all!

Hope that this visit finds you happy, healthy and full of peace and joy. Somehow, even with all the tough things that life tosses our way, Spring has a way of propelling us headlong into hope, doesn’t it?  It’s no wonder that Easter and Passover are Spring celebrations. Both of those holidays honor events that brought hope to the world thousands of years ago–and still do–and both followed horrifically painful events. As you reach out in love to those in your life, May God bless you with courage, peace, joy and comfort. Those are His promises and He keeps them.

My brother continues to improve with the chemo treatments and we’re celebrating that–and I thank everyone for the emails and prayers on his behalf. Our youngest daughter Jackie Lyn and her fiance Dan will be married in May, and all the rest of the family seems to be healthy, happy and moving in the right direction.   Much change, but that’s how we get from where we are to where we’re supposed to be. I’m glad I’ve finally learned that.

And speaking of moving forward, I’ve finally taken a gigantic leap into the world of book publishing! MURDER IN BLACK AND WHITE, my southern private eye mystery, was sent to my mentor publisher last night, (Richardson Publishing) after much procrastination and indecision–on my part–not theirs.  Will announce release dates shortly and more information on my company, WC Publishing. I have some exciting collaborative invitations coming up for the dynamic writers that I’m blessed to know.

Book one in the new southern inspirational series, has been sent off this week to an interested agent.  MERCIFUL BLESSINGS is the adventure of three middle-aged sisters faced with their own ailing relationship when their father suddenly dies and leaves them up to their necks in a whole lot of old-fashioned chaos. And yes, of course theirs a mystery to solve! Writing partner, JJ Dumont is already working on book two of the series, OLD FAITHFUL. Look for the author name, Lynn Kathleen–that’s us. This is the novel that we completed during NaNoWriMo 2010.

And last, but certainly not least, THE METHOD WRITERS: 4 Writers, 4 Stories, 1 Twisted Novel will be out in May, I believe.  That was written with 3 super talented and energetic authors–and together we’re known as The Rogues Gallery Writers.  Talented author/blogger Rebekah Hunter-Scott is a Rogue, too, but she’s been on a “mommy” sebatical, which gave me the opportunity to fill in. To order advance copies of that book and get a free short story collection too, be sure to visit www.themethodwriters.com. Clear View Press hasn’t given us a concrete release date yet, but I’ll announce it on Facebook when I get it!

Well, that’s it for the March and April news. I wish you every happiness and hope you’ll stop by often. It’s always great to hear from you, so email me at nancy@nlquatrano.com and let me know how you’re doing!