February News

Dear Reader,

I sure hope this finds you happy and well.  Carm and I, the daughters and grandkids, are all doing just fine and we’re looking forward to a visit with them all in the spring.

In November, the Rogues Gallery Writers, of which I am one, finished our 4-in-1 novel, The Method Writers. We are currently completing the editing process and are about ready to send it to the professional editor for polish and line editing.  We’re super excited about the book though – our Beta readers gave us terrific feedback. Hope you’ll get a copy when it’s released later this spring! If you’d like to see more on that, go to www.themethodwriters.com and see the videos, outtakes, etc.  We’ve also completed a short story collection that will be available electronically and in print, soon. That’s our free offer for anyone who might be interested in per-ordering The Method Writers.

Also, book one in the Amazing Grace Trucking Series is done.  “Merciful Blessing” is the first book in this southern inspirational series about three sisters who have a lot to learn about forgiveness so they can move forward with their lives.  My writing partner on this series is JJ Dumont in New Jersey and we’ll be sending this proposal this month, to an agent who has already requested it.  Our pen name is Lynn Kathleen and we hope to make that a household name someday!!  “Books that are good for your heart!!”

Also, if you’re a writer or know someone who is, please send them to my blog which was built with writers in mind! Lot’s of tips, articles and contest and conference information every month. Subscribe and have your name entered in our Rogues’ drawing for a week’s lodging in a 5-star Florida resort!  Go to http://nquatrano.wordpress.com/.

Whatever your dreams and goals are, I wish you every success with them.  Let God pilot your ship and you can’t fail!

See you next month!
