April, 2011

What a Spring all are having. Prayers for New Zealand, Japan, and all in the
Middle East as well as for those of us here at home.

Carm’s goddaughter had another baby girl a few weeks ago; daughters called
from Pocono’s today to tell us that their April Fool’s Day joke was five more
inches of snow from Mother Nature. They are not amused.

We’re expecting grandson Mason the first week of May. My visit with Casey,
Eryka and Mark was great fun, though we spent some time with people we’re
glad we don’t have to spend MORE time with. To quote Billy Currington, “God
is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.”    

The new rose bushes are glorious, the bottle brush are budding and the Indian
hawthornes are beginning to show some white blossoms, despite our frigid
winter just past.

I’m working on two exciting collaborative writing projects:  The Method
Writers novel with the Rogues Gallery Writers, and The Amazing Grace
Trucking Company series with JJ Dumont. This month’s guest blogger  on
Guest Blogger Wednesday, will be Sharon Buck, owner of Social Media

So enjoy the month of April and keep looking for bright spots. Remember,
flowers will be on their way very soon.  

Hugs, my friends.
