The year has been a whirlwind adventure for us! Ups and downs of course, but mostly ups and the Lord has been very generous in blessing us in many ways. Our health is good, the Double Q is looking good thanks to Carmine’s constant care, and the writing milestones this year have been fun!

The crowning achievement is the lauch this week, of SNOWBIRD CHRISTMAS, the first book from WC Publishing which I’ll be launching late spring of 2013.  But right now, this fantastic collection is available in print and ebook formats, from and The print version is $8.99 and the ebook (Kindle and ePub) is just $7.99. A SUPER value – for yourself or as a gift for family and friends. I intend to put out a new volume every year, with five stories already contracted for 2013.  I hope you’ll go buy at least one copy today! And, if you buy one, I hope you’ll read it and post a review to Amazon, too!

Our Rogues Gallery novel, THE METHOD WRITERS has done well and we intend to take it further yet, planning another adventure by our four writers, in 2013. “Murder in Black and White” and “Merciful Blessings” were put on the back burner with all the other adventures in the works, but planning to move forward with the launch of those series in 2013.

On the home front, kids and grandkids all seem to be doing just fine. We are keeping the northeast in our prayers and are thankful to report that all of our clan was uninjured, though not without physical losses and damages to deal with.  Florida weather has been rather stable and wet enough to recover from a three-year drought. Now if a financial recovery would only follow suit, but would seem that will take more time.  We’ve seen so many lose so much in the past three years. Good thing that we humans are a resilient lot.

Wishing all of you a wonderful Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year.  Drop me a line and let me know how you’re doing –

Hugs to all.