Believe it or not, winter is almost behind us. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned this past year, is that though the change of seasons is predictable enough, the changes in other aspects of life are not.
Weather patterns are bizarre, Russia was attacked by a meteor that no one even saw coming, and many who are employed this month, won’t be come March 1. The US government, once affectionately known as Uncle Sam, is now regarded as Public Enemy No. 1, there is probably NOTHING a politician can do to earn credibility, and we’re looking at fuel prices never even imagined 10 years ago.
But in looking at all the changes around me, I’ve come to realize the truth in the addage, “Nothing very very good, or very very bad, lasts for very long.” It is, simply, change. What’s bad right now, will, in a matter of time, cease. Good will follow for a time. The cycle will repeat.
As a professional writer, author and editor, I find that the changes taking place in the publishing marketplace are not easy. But, not entirely bad. Slowly but surely, authors are moving into position to make much more money for their artistic endeavors than at any time before. We can have more control over our covers, reputations, markets and profits than at any earlier time.
If we’re willing to take responsibility for our past, our present and our futures, I suspect that we can embrace change of any kind. While some change is painful, I assert that the Lord can use it for our good. There’s a lot of personal power in that knowledge.
And so, as we approach the season best known for rejuvenation and resurrection, I invite you to embrace the changes around you, knowing for sure, that we are loved by our precious Creator. I wish you all every happiness and blessing, today and every day! NQ