Happy Fall, Y’all!

Courtesy of Squiddo.com

The summer is a memory and here we are at fall again, ready to carve pumpkins, brush away leaves and get plants and people alike ready for the colder months of winter.

Holidays are rushing at us like kids at the “school’s out” bell. I hope you writers have been writing, you travelers have been traveling, and that all is well for you.

For me, it’s the writing conference time of year. I’ve been busy with The Method Writers book launch which was a great success, getting the proofs back to the publisher on Murder in Black and White and of course, Snowbird Christmas is coming along nicely, too.

Our offspring and their offspring are all fine. The Lord has blessed us with miracle after miracle with family, health and career and it’s easy to be thankful, for sure.

Two great book recommendations for my reader friends: WHATEVER IT TAKES, by Skye Taylor and CRANWOLD, by Jonni Anderson. These are both first novels for these talented authors and you won’t be disappointed for a single moment! And of course, THE METHOD WRITERS, by the Rogues Gallery Writers. (Shameless self-promotion.)

So I wish you a fabulous fall season and hope that as you prepare your hearth and home for the winter holiday season, you remember to take good care of yourself. You’re important to me!

Check out the new book pages – The Method Writers can be bought through Barnes and Noble, Books-a-Million, and of course, Amazon.com, as well as the publisher site at www.clearviewpressinc.com. When you read it, let me know your thoughts!!

Happy Fall!
